Monday, November 16, 2015

Thankfulness in the midst of busyness

As we gear into another holiday season heavy with events, plentiful food, family time, extravagant shopping, practice for church programs and more, it may be difficult to find time to be truly thankful. This is not saying we are not thankful in general but how do you express thankfulness in the midst of busyness? God calls us to be thankful in ALL circumstances – busy or not.

1 - Be still (at least try)
Just stop. Put away the credit card. Put down your fork. Pull the car over. Leave early from church choir practice. Being time consumed is not wrong but when we forget that God is the one who provided us with the job and resources to shop, buy and consume food, and provide a church family for us, we miss the point. Jesus is the center of everything we do and we must be still and acknowledge Him first and foremost as our provider, Jehovah-jireh.

2 – Give thanks.
Once you’re still your focus is on one thing - GOD. During this time with God you are freely able to render your grateful heart and truly give Him thanks before getting busy with tasks again.
“Now our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.” (1 Chronicles 29:13)

3 – Attitude of gratitude
Develop and attain an attitude of gratitude. That means when you do find yourself busy either training for that holiday 5K or singing at church choir practice, develop a grateful attitude in the midst of those activities. “Thank you God for granting me health to be able to run.” Or “Thank you God for granting me the opportunity to exalt and worship You among my brothers and sisters.” Securing an attitude of gratitude will help in expressing thankfulness in the midst of busyness.

God calls us to be thankful in ALL circumstances - even when we are acting like busy-bees.

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

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